P. ¿Cuáles son las reglas exactas sobre los documentos que necesita para mantener su programa de drogas?

R. dentro de la normativa CFR 49 parte 382, aclara que: MIS informes: sub-parte D – manejo de resultados de la prueba, registros de retención y confidencialidad, §382.403 informes de resultados en un sistema de información gerencial. Read more

Q: So what are the exact rules about documents you need to maintain for your drug program?

A: Within the regulations CFR 49 Part 382, it clarifies that: MIS REPORTS: Subpart D – Handling of test results, records retention, and confidentiality, §382.403 Reporting of results in a management information system.

(a) An employer shall prepare and maintain a summary of the results of its alcohol and controlled substances testing programs performed under this part during the previous calendar year, when requested by the Secretary of Transportation, any DOT agency, or any state or local officials with regulatory authority over the employer or any of its drivers. Read more

Motor Carrier Alliance Wants Hair Testing OK’d for DOT Driver Drug Screening

Prompted by a few large trucking interests, Sen. Mark Pryor, D-Ark., and Rep. Rick Crawford, R-Ark., have introduced federal legislation designed to enable trucking companies to more effectively prevent lifestyle drug users from gaining employment as commercial truck drivers.

Companion bills in the Senate and House direct the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to recognize hair testing as an optional method to comply with the Department of Transportation drug testing requirements for truck drivers. Read more

Feliz Año Nuevo – A Todos Nuestros Clientes AADT

Esperamos que el 2014 sea un año próspero para todos. Afortunadamente, nuestro compromiso inquebrantable de servicio al cliente y valor de precios ha llevado a un crecimiento sorprendente en 2013 y esperamos que esta tendencia continúe. Read more

Happy New Year – To All Our AADT Clients

We hope that 2014 will be prosperous for all. Fortunately, our unwavering commitment to customer service and value pricing has led to surprising growth in 2013 and we expect this trend to continue.

With the New Year ahead of us, many of you will need to have a copy of your MIS (Management Information System) semi-annual summary testing statistics report for 2013 on file, where you can access it. Read more