Payment at Collection Site Testing

Question: Do I have to pay anything when I go to the collection site for my drug and alcohol test?

Answer: AADT formally contracts with all collection sites listed on the website at:

We are an aggregator of business services and have set up payments for most services, especially random drug and alcohol tests. We contract with collection sites, labs and MROs who are supposed to bill AADT.

If you arrive at a contracted collection site listed on our website, make sure you have our Form 111 (Collection Site Passport) and that your visit is a Monday-Friday during normal business hours. It is also wise to call ahead. If you are told to prepay for any collections, you need to call AADT immediately at (909) 982-8409 since this is a departure from our contracted terms with a collection site.

Always make sure you tell the collection site first that you are our client and they are a contracted collector. If they still insist on payment and you are unable to contact AADT, please pay and forward a copy of the receipt along with company name, ID# and Specimen ID# (or supply us with a copy CCF) and you will be immediately reimbursed. We will then contact the collection site to make sure it doesn’t happen again. We apologize if it is an inconvenience but there is a high rate of employee turn-over at collections sites and some employees may not be properly trained.