Keeping Up with All the Changes

Randoms, Chain-of-Custody Forms and Automated Renewal Notifications

With the start of the second quarter of the year and the implementation of our NEW Automated Renewal Notifications, Pre-printed Chain-of Custody Forms and Random Notifications all going out full speed, many of our clients have become a little confused, especially those that have been with us for many, many years.

All the changes (we believe for the better) have kept the AADT staff very busy fielding phone calls, ordering chain of custody forms and assisting with collections for testing and taking renewal payments over the phone. These new changes in our program are designed to make things easier for you, our clients, to both renew and test.

Random notifications – make sure to notify AADT of any employee, address, or phone number changes. All of our contracted collection sites are available online at: – it’s the third box to the right “with blue type” located in the center of the home page.

Pre-Printed Chain-of-Custody Forms (CCF) – were shipped out to you mostly by MedTox and/or LabCorp, these should be placed in a safe place for use when needed. Please note these forms DO NOT mean you have to test. Random test notifications are clearly marked as such and sent if you or your drivers have been selected. We can also print CCF in our office if you need them.

Automated Renewal Notifications – are sent out about two months and then 30-days prior to expiration of your program either by fax, email or regular mail. We also implemented an automated calling service in late April which provides a series of renewal reminders that gives you a quick phone call regarding your renewal. Remember that your program renews every 12 months from the month of your renewal.