AADT Adds Pre-printed Chain Of Custody Forms (CCF)

We have determined that there is a need for a paperwork change to better assist our clients in getting their results (especially on pre-employment tests) as quickly as possible. As part of our new and improved MRO services, we will now have all of our chain of custody forms (CCF) printed and sent out to clients to store at your place of business or in the vehicle along with the AADT Form 111 Passport.

The “new” chain of custody forms will have your AADT ID number at the top along with your company name, address, phone and fax numbers etc. and the MRO information to the right, all pre-printed. When you run out just simply email us at cs@aadrugtesting.com or call us to place an order for replacements.

Pre-printed CCF and the AADT Form 111 (Passport) will eliminate at least 75% of the collection site paper-work errors that would potentially hold up a test result. Please look for the new CCFs as they are being mailed out at the beginning of the week after Christmas, throw all the old CCFs in the garbage.

If you do not receive a new CCF, email us at cs@aadrugtesting.com or call us and we will get them printed and sent to you immediately.

The collection site will also maintain our CCFs without company information for emergencies. We look forward to implementing these new improvements to our program.
