AADT Changes Primary Medical Review Officer (MRO)

Over the last year we have seen increases in the cost of goods and services from all of our vendors; labs, collection sites and even our MRO, who was actually asking for a 100% price increase. That of course was unacceptable to us and in early November we began searching for a replacement MRO service.

We are committed to providing our clients, “you,” with uncompromising service and unique technology to make the hassles of drug testing as hassle-free as possible. We have looked at other quality MRO vendors who do understand this economy and are willing to provide high quality services for less.

In late November we signed an agreement providing a three year fixed-price contract with Central Drug System Inc., located in Orange County. Central Drug System will be our “new” primary Medical Review Officer (MRO) service provider and we will also be working together with MedTox Laboratories to assist with making sure that all collection sites have the newly updated chain of custody forms (CCF) with Central Drug System information.

If you have a CCF with anything other than Dr. Sara Rinck, MD from Central Drug System, please throw them away and email cs@aadrugtesting.com us or call and we will get you new CCFs. The new CCFs were printed and mailed the week after Christmas and all clients should have the new forms by the beginning of 2013.

This is how the New MRO information should read on the right side of the new CCFs under – B. MRO Name, Address etc.
